
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


When Leena introduced the "windmill" game I immediately thought "lame!" But that was before I realized how long and monotonous our drives through the outback would be. It's simple, be the first to exclaim "windmill" when one pops into sight and you get a point. For the first four days I was winning - something like 10-2 - but then Leena slipped on some blue green algae when rinsing our coffee spoons in a lake and hurt her arm. Leena is tough as but we agreed it would be best if she rest her arm and I try driving. Before this tangent goes too far I'll let you know Leena is now winning 15-10. Seems the passenger has an advantage.

Back to driving. Right side? Left Side? Wrong side?! This was my first time driving on the right side of the car on the left side of the road. Eight hours later and you could almost call me an expert, except that I keep turning on the wipers instead of the blinker and reaching for the door handle instead of the gear shaft thingy.

Our other driving activities have included listening to cassette tapes, applying sunscreen, spotting roadkill, spotting wildlife and analyzing how certain creeks or towns like Christmas and Mistake and Morella got their names.

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