
Monday, March 12, 2012

Confusing as

As what? Huh? No, just "as". Here's your outback dictionary so you know what I'm talking about when I return home.

  • Sweet As: Really cool. You can replace sweet with any word really. Funny as, cold as. Be creative!
  • Esky: Cooler
  • Stubby cooler: Coozie 
  • Echo: Typically beer in a can (bc you can recycle them) but can refer to any drink in a can or bottle.
  • Reckon: A replacement for think. "I reckon we should drink a beer before we go."
  • Muso: Musician. You can shorten any word you like and Aussies will know what you're talking about.
  • How ya goin?: You'd think it means how are you traveling (car, bus, etc) or what route are you taking, but it actually means "how are you?" 
  • Tickets on yourself: Ego. As in you have tickets to your own show.

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