
Monday, March 26, 2012


The other day Leena talked about how she expected to have profound thoughts when independently hiking for two straight months but instead found herself thinking of very basic things. When I get to camp will I make dinner first or set up my tent and bedding? How far have I gone today and how much further do I have left to walk?

It's definitely been this way for me as a traveler. I had no big goal in mind for my travels but did kind of expect to have some deep thoughts/reflections due to all the "extra" time on my hands. Turns out I have little free time and I'm constantly thinking about the daily ins and outs of travel. Where will I sleep tonight? How will I get from point A to point B. How's my budget doing? This will be even more true as I shift from six weeks of road-tripping with others to independently traveling through Singapore, India and Turkey.

All that said, here are a few not-so-profound reflections from my time in Australia:

  • Americans have too much stuff, including extra weight, because food and things are super cheap. Food, clothing, toiletries, everything is more expensive in New Zealand and Australia.
  • Racism is everywhere. When white europeans colonized they believed their culture to be superior to others and expected others to assimilate. This is still the case.
  • People are good! It's okay to trust most people. People typically have the right intentions. 

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