
Saturday, March 24, 2012


We had to edit our route from Melbourne back to the Gold Coast because of the extra time we spent in Yulara. This means I had no idea where we were headed when we departed this morning. The plan was to drive to Bathurst or as close to it as possible to do some gold panning in the morning. I was prepared for a boring drive. We did hear of a waterfall in Marysville that we thought we'd check out. On our way we suddently entered into a massive eucalyptus forest. It was so beautiful. Really really tall eucalyptus trees on a mountainous landscape with winding roads. Lush, prehistoric ferns at their base. Most of the bark had peeled from the trunks creating an effect of sudden existence.

As we got closer to Marysville the evidence of a relatively recent brush fire was evident. Lots of new construction and regrowth. Black trees. I've seen lots of land here in Australia that have been devoured by fires and consumed by floods only to come out more beautiful and awe-inspiring. Makes me reflect on the power of nature, how small we are and how we, living things, can actually tolerate a lot. We rebound.

I had high expectations for Melbourne and was, dare I say, disappointed. I had no expectations for today and was pleasantly surprised. That's the funny thing about expectations. They are necessary but can be dangerous. I remember reading something in a book, "Pursuit of Happiness" maybe, about the importance of balanced expectations. Anticipation creates happiness, disappointment the opposite.

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