
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Elvis has left the building

I've started the westward adventure. And by Elvis I mean the trusty and sparkly Elvis wristwatch my friend Marc got me for this trip. One of the many ways it will be clear to observers that I am American.

While boarding the plane it finally hit me, I'm unemployed. The two suits behind me (Starbucks in hand and rollerboards in tow, of course) were discussing business travel.
"You have to head east to head west, it doesn't makes sense."
"I know, I started in Knoxville this morning, now we're here in Charlotte on our way to Ft. Worth, and after my meetings there I head to Denver."
Then came the "what do you do?" questions. Security system sales. Massive fire door sales. Vagabond, the answer in my head.

Everyone keeps asking how it feels to be unemployed, how it feels to be going on this trip? Right now I feel happy-sad and hungry.

I'm happy, excited, lucky to be going on this trip. I'm sad to leave the wonderful life I have in the queen city, even if just temporarily. And fresh on my mind is the curbside goodbye to a certain boy that is also in the midst of saying goodbye to Charlotte. All this said, the strength I garner from the relationships I'm lucky to have is what gives me the cajones to take this trip.

I'm targeting a $40/day budget starting today. With this in mind I opted for the kindle "Super Sad True Love Story" purchase over a hearty breakfast. The download wasn't successful so now I'm both hungry and bored. Not to fret, I'm sure my brother will entertain and my sister-in-law will stuff me as soon as I arrive at my first destination, Saginaw, Texas.

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