
Saturday, March 3, 2012


My final day spent in New Zealand was spent on a new friend's family farm just north of Christchuch. Matt, our host from Wellington. We were supposed to travel to Akaroa (a popular holiday location for people that live near Christchurch) but the heavy rains encouraged us to instead spend a lazy day at the farm.

Two thoughts on my mind regarding friends.

1. We drove to a small town today and looked around some "wee" little shops (as Lynnie, Matt's mom describes them). I saw a quote on a card that said something like, "lots of people will let you into their lives. Really good friends will let you into yours." A couple of days ago I had some free alone time (rare!) and used it to catch up on email with friends. I go a response from one of my very close friends that was uncomfortable to read and has forced me to really reflect on some things about myself. I really appreciated the honesty from this person and understand because of it that they are a friend.

2. I'm writing this on an unseasonably cold and windy day in Christchurch. Just a few moments ago Marieke, Vaishali (my travel buddies), Matt and I were sitting on a plush rug in front of a fire. Nibbling on cheese and crackers and drinking tea. We were chatting about our travels and it occurred to me, I've seen and done some amazing things in New Zealand but what I'll remember most is this. The people. The friends I've met along the way and the memories we've made together. People make the journey.

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