
Monday, March 5, 2012

Brisbane there, done that

I arrived in Brisbane, Australia early yesterday morning. I really like this city. Maybe it's the low expectations I had coming in, maybe its that I call an underdog city my home. It's situated on both sides of a windy river, Chicagoesque (minus the stunning architecture and cold weather!), has a public beach in the middle, a good network of free museums (that also offer free bag check - score!), and lots of pockets of distinct neighborhoods. I explored the west end last night - delicious Greek food and lots of live music. 

My first general impressions of Australia: expensive, Western (feels like being in the US), not conservative (lots of shear and revealing clothing worn by women), friendly. 

Missing my travel buddies but it's been nice to have a few days alone. I'll be meeting up with Leena, an Aussie I hosted last summer, in Gold Coast in the next day or two. We'll be traveling (mostly camping!) together for the next 3 weeks. We were planning on heading south then up through the center and back but our plans are being changed due to the floods. 

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