
Thursday, February 16, 2012


Driving in New Zealand I have a recurring thought – I must do a similar road trip in the States. I’m
awed by the New Zealand landscapes because they are new and foreign. Even a simple fern is
interesting. I need to more fully appreciate what has become average to me at home and explore
more of what my own country offers – Crater lake, Yellowstone, the list goes on.We drove south to Rotorua, hot spring city, today and the first thing Marieke says when we’re
standing in a park looking at a thermal pool, “I mean, it’s not Yellowstone.” And I just think about
how I haven’t been there!

My second realization today was about what’s been missing from this adventure – music. There
was an international food festival on the street just outside our hostel every Thursday – today, and
there was a guy singing and playing guitar. All covers but he was really talented. We sat out there
and listend and laughed and danced and enjoyed. I got that feeling I only get from live shows. I
miss it and definitely need to make more of an effort to incorporate live music into this adventure.
We did stop at thrift store and bought some old $1NZ CDs to try and alleviate the Michael Buble
situation. I’m not sure “Chill Sounds” or "The Surfer Dude" (or whatever it's called) will fulfil the music requirements but an improvement nonetheless.

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