
Friday, February 3, 2012


Meitaki! (pronounced like "Kentucky" but replace the k with an m)
Meitaki means both "thank you" and "I'm fine." I don't know how to say "I'm great!!" in Maori just yet so meitaki will have to do for now. Day 10 into my RTW trip (day 5 international) and I'm starting to understand how to be a full-time vagabond. Everything so far has been amazing but I cant help but wonder how much more amazing it would be if I had someone alongside me to share the memories.

Last night I went to a cultural tour, dinner and traditional dancing event. It blew my daily budget ($109NZ!) but my host Kees insisted it's the one tourist thing to do. I'd have to agree. I learned a great deal about the history and culture of the native cook islanders and was simultaneously entertained. Unlike other tourist destinations I've experienced the natives seem to enjoy sharing their home with curious tourists. The natives, transplants and tourists all get along in a genuinely friendly way.

Back to last night. My favorite part of the tour was when a man climbed a coconut tree with his bare hands and feet, wrestled a young coconut (nu) from the palms and then cracked the coconut on the trunk to drink the juice inside - all in the matter of minutes! This same strapping young fellow later in invited me to his place for a beer...I graciously declined.

After dinner I watched in awe as the man mentioned above and about a dozen other men and women danced along to traditional island drummers under a clear starry sky.

I ended the evening by cycling "home" under the same starry sky. A memorable evening indeed.

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